Habituate News

Canadian 20mg Nicotine Cap Now in Effect!
Canada's Federal Nicotine Cap is now in effect as of July 23, 2021. You can read all about it here. We ask of your patience while we update our site...
Canadian 20mg Nicotine Cap Now in Effect!
Canada's Federal Nicotine Cap is now in effect as of July 23, 2021. You can read all about it here. We ask of your patience while we update our site...

Arizer Extreme Q - The Volcano Alternative!
Introducing the Arizer Extreme Q, an award winning desktop vaporizer for Dry Herbs. We call this the $200 Volcano! Learn more below or click here to buy now! Arizer is...
Arizer Extreme Q - The Volcano Alternative!
Introducing the Arizer Extreme Q, an award winning desktop vaporizer for Dry Herbs. We call this the $200 Volcano! Learn more below or click here to buy now! Arizer is...

Clipper Lighters - Pro Tip
Replacing and refilling, in today's disposable society we think this is a win! There is also another reason these lighters have become popular with the roll your own smoker.
Clipper Lighters - Pro Tip
Replacing and refilling, in today's disposable society we think this is a win! There is also another reason these lighters have become popular with the roll your own smoker.